Ho’oponopono: Healing Begins Within

In recent years, Ho’oponopono has gained popularity as a powerful technique for emotional and spiritual healing. This method is rooted in reconciliation and forgiveness, aimed at healing memories and removing blockages. In this blog entry, we’ll draw upon the text Ho’oponopono by Brazilian artist Al McAllister.

What is Ho’oponopono?

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice traditionally used to resolve conflicts within the Hawaiian community. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona adapted this technique for personal application, collaborating with the renowned Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.

This practice is based on the idea that we are entirely responsible for everything that happens in our lives, meaning that our experiences—both positive and negative—are the result of our own beliefs and thoughts. Surprisingly, Dr. Hew Len asserts that even the problems of others are our responsibility because everything we experience reflects what we carry within.

A striking example is Dr. Len himself, who, while working as a therapist in Hawaii, healed an entire ward of mentally ill criminal patients without ever meeting them face-to-face.

Dr. Len’s Healing Technique

Although Dr. Len’s story may sound extraordinary, it serves as a reminder of the power of our intentions and energy to transform our perceptions—and consequently, our realities. What if we all took greater responsibility for our emotions and thoughts?

Dr. Len reviewed the patients’ files, but instead of focusing on diagnoses or additional treatments, he concentrated on cleansing the negative memories and beliefs he held about them. To perform this cleansing process, Len used the four key phrases of Ho’oponopono:

  • “I’m sorry”: Acknowledges and expresses remorse for anything within oneself that may have contributed to the situation.

  • “Please forgive me”: Asks the Divine for forgiveness for the memories and beliefs that have affected others.

  • “Thank you”: Shows gratitude for the cleansing process taking place.

  • “I love you”: Sends love to the memories to neutralize and transform them into pure energy.

In this way, Dr. Len took full responsibility for his patients’ problems and worked internally on the issues that might be projected onto them. Remarkably, this not only changed the patients’ lives but also transformed the dynamic of the entire hospital. Staff members, previously apprehensive about working in a dangerous environment, began to feel motivated and secure. Over time, the hospital became a much safer and more welcoming place.

Dr. Len’s case is one of the clearest and most impactful examples of the power of Ho’oponopono and its ability to transform realities through internal healing.

Divine Action

Ho’oponopono is based on the idea that we are all connected to a higher power, often referred to as “the Divine.” From this perspective, the Divine is the source of all things, including healing, inspiration, and guidance in our lives. Each person’s role in this process is to take responsibility for everything that happens in their reality and, through that responsibility, allow divine energy to flow and act.

It is important to note that Ho’oponopono is not tied to any specific religion or ideology, making it adaptable to each individual’s belief system. For some, the Divine might be God; for others, it could be the universe, nature, or their intuition. Make it your own!

The central process of Ho’oponopono involves a sincere request to the Divine to cleanse and transform the problems, imbalances, and subconscious memories affecting our lives. This is achieved through the repetition of the four phrases mentioned earlier. These phrases serve as a dialogue with the Divine, acknowledging our responsibility for creating our circumstances and seeking help to release and purify the memories that limit us.

The Divine is not a judging entity but a loving and compassionate force that responds to sincere requests. By releasing these memories, the Divine not only helps to heal specific issues but also purifies our being on a deeper level, creating space for inspiration to flow into our lives.

Thus, divine action in Ho’oponopono is not about judgment or arbitrary intervention but rather a collaboration between the individual and the Divine. By taking responsibility and asking for help, we enable the Divine to intervene and transform our reality in ways we may not be able to achieve on our own. It is an act of faith and surrender, trusting that the Divine will act in our lives for the highest good of all.

Memories and Inspiration

Ho’oponopono teaches that our actions and thoughts can originate from two main sources: memories or inspiration.

  • Memories are subconscious programs that replay in our minds. They are accumulations of past experiences, both personal and ancestral, that influence our decisions, behaviors, and perceptions. In Ho’oponopono, memories are seen as limiting because they cause us to repeat past patterns, preventing us from living in the present with clarity and authenticity.

  • Inspiration, on the other hand, is a flow of ideas, thoughts, and actions that come directly from the Divine or our connection to this higher energy. It is pure, original, and untainted by past experiences or beliefs. Acting from inspiration aligns us with our true essence and divine purpose. Inspired actions are creative, loving, and beneficial to both ourselves and others.

The goal of Ho’oponopono is to cleanse the memories that block our connection to the Divine, allowing inspiration to flow freely. By releasing these memories, we shift from a state of unconscious repetition to one of conscious creation, living from a place of love, peace, and clarity.

Ho’oponopono Techniques

The four phrases—“I’m sorry,” “Please forgive me,” “Thank you,” and “I love you”—constitute the main technique for practicing Ho’oponopono. These should be mentally repeated, according to what we are experiencing, before and during everything we do. It is crucial not to focus on visualizing specific outcomes but instead ask the Divine to cleanse the uncomfortable feelings associated with what troubles us. Let go and allow the Divine to provide what’s best. These phrases foster self-compassion and self-forgiveness, which are key tools for mental health.

Another effective technique is ha breathing, which helps cancel memories, reduce stress, and foster emotional regulation. The process is as follows:

  1. Sit comfortably, with your feet on the ground and your back straight.

  2. Inhale for 7 seconds and hold your breath for another 7 seconds.

  3. Exhale for 7 seconds and then keep your lungs empty for 7 seconds.

  4. Repeat this cycle 9 times, avoiding forced breathing to prevent hyperventilation.

Additionally, you can join your index finger and thumb of each hand to form two interlocked rings resembling the infinity symbol. Hold this hand position while thinking of the four phrases during the breathing exercise.

Blue solar water is another interesting method that involves exposing water to sunlight. For this, you’ll need a blue glass container with a non-metallic cap. Avoid using plastic as it degrades in the sun. Place the blue container filled with water in sunlight for at least one hour. You can then use the water as you wish. Blue solar water helps cleanse subconscious memories while keeping you hydrated—a symbolic ritual that reinforces personal intention.

Lastly, but just as important, enjoy strawberries and blueberries. These delicious fruits are ideal for supporting the Divine in the process of clearing memories. Enjoy them however you like!

Ho’oponopono is a powerful practice for those seeking to reconnect with inner peace and transform their lives from within. While it does not replace therapy or medical treatments, it can be a valuable tool to support the healing journey. In a world where stress and accumulated emotions are part of daily life, this practice offers a simple yet powerful reminder: transformation begins within. We invite you to explore this practice and discover how it can open new doors to peace and clarity in your life.


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